Saturday, May 11, 2013

Discover the power of Dermal Roller

Dermal Roller SR
Dermal Roller works by producing thousands of microscopic needle columns (0.1mm in width) in the dermis of the skin, these stimulate the skin to regenerate and repair itself naturally and safely. These columns close rapidly enabling the skin surface to recover quickly, each treated area eventually contains around 300 micro columns causing symptoms of mild to moderate sunburn which normally recovers the same-day with only a little residual redness the following day. The natural regeneration and repair that the Derma Roller creates can take up to 6 weeks to develop as over time new collagen is formed, new skin cells are generated and the blood supply is enhanced.
Micro skin needling encourages collagen and elastin production within the skin and helps to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections making the skin smoother, firmer, brighter, healthier and younger looking.

Dermal Roller SR- Hair Loss Treatment

Moisturises, nourishes and improves hair and scalp conditions. Promotes blood circulation in the scalp and revitalises hair follicles.
  • Normalisation of hair growth cycle
  • Hair restoration / support
  • Increases hair thickness
  • Supplements nutrients in hair follicles.